In this post you can find an implementation of Diffie-Hellman protocol as well as a brute-force attack against it, which try to recover a private key.
At least in this method has 2 users that will establish a communication in an insecure channel. First they need to generate their keys (never share with someone) and a shared private key. Key is necessary for interchange information in a "secure" way.[1]
I said secure, because the security is based in the computational complexity to realize the inverse operation.
First Alice and Bob choose together a prime number (p).
The value of p is between numMin(implementation used 1000000) and numMax(99999999). The reason for I used that numbers is because when I used larger numbers time increased.
This table shows an example of time using differents min,max numbers.
*time in secondsThis table shows an example of time using differents min,max numbers.
min | max | time users* | time hacker* | x | y |
1000000 | 99999999 | 0.000108957290649 | 13.1109771729 | 2985883 | 5265807 |
10000000 | 999999999 | 8.70227813721e-05 | 1.526652813 | 110939030 | 188011157 |
100000000 | 9999999999 | 0.000119924545288 | 312.937700033 | 4988719808 | 3646574494 |
1000000000 | 99999999999 | 0.000176906585693 | ? more than 20 minutes | 3254651267 | 7594893842 |
def genNumPriRan(numMin,numMax): while True: num = random.SystemRandom().randint(numMin,numMax) if esNumeroPrimo(num) == 1: return num
After they will choose a generator of p (g ∈ Zp). The way to create a generator is:
- Get the factors of g (Fi, where i = n-element)
- g raised to the power of each factors. gFi mod p
- If gFi is different to 1 is a generator.
def esGenerador(p,g): i = 2 while i < (p - 1): if (p - 1) % i == 0: #prueba con todos los factores de p if expModRap(g,i,p) == 1: return 0 # no es generador i =+ 1 return 1 # si es generador
Each one (Alice and Bob) chooses a private number.
def clavePrivada(self): return random.SystemRandom().randint(999,(self.p - 1))
Alice and Bob send for a insecure channel the result of:
Alice to Bob
f(x) = gx mod p
Bob to Alice
f(y) = gy mod p
def generarFXFY(self, pot): return funciones.expModRap(self.g, pot, self.p)
expModRap calculates in a fast way the exponentiation.
def expModRap(a,b,n): res = 1 pot = a % n while b > 0: if (b % 2) == 1: # si es impar res = (res * pot) % n b = b / 2 pot = (pot * pot) % n return res
When Alice and Bob have f(x) and f(y), calculate K,shared private key.
def generarClave(self,funcion,pot): return funciones.expModRap(funcion, pot, self.p)
Brute-force attack
For get private keys (K and x or y), the hacker only has: g,p, f(x),f(y). So, he tries to get f(x) or f(y) doing:
f(n) = gi mod p
i = 1, ..., p - 1 (x, y < p - 1)
f(n) = f(x) or f(y)
def buscarClavePrivada(self, fx, fy): for i in xrange(2,(self.p - 1)): privada = funciones.expModRap(self.g, i, self.p) if privada == fx: clvPrv = funciones.expModRap(fy, i, self.p) print "K = ",clvPrv,"\nx = ", i return 0 if privada == fy: clvPrv = funciones.expModRap(fx, i, self.p) print "K = ",clvPrv,"\ny = ", i return 0
Basic functions
Diffie-Hellman functions
Main function
Alice key x = 5639834 Bob key y = 28315101 Shared private key = 11351414 Hacker found: K = 11351414, x = 5639834 |
Alice key x = 26265031 Bob key y = 22491049 Shared private key = 8590783 Hacker found: K = 8590783, y = 22491049 |
- S/A WolframMathWorld [online] Updated: 2014. [Accessed: October 8th 2014]. Available in:
- Elisa Schaeffer. Class presentation [online] Slides: 77,78. [Accessed: October 8th 2014]. Available in:
falta toda la explicación y los ejemplos de ejecución
ReplyDeleteparece faltar el hackeo también
Aspectos que ganan puntos:
ReplyDelete+1 written in English
+1 adequacy of p & g verified
+1 Alice and Bob get their keys
+1 the hacker gets the key
+1 execution time examined in terms of the magnitude of p
+1 example runs provided
+1 Alice and Bob are different objects
Multas que pierden puntos (cosas que ya les he dicho que HAY QUE CUIDAR):
-1 texto copiado de páginas web y/o libros
-1 errores de ortografía y/o gramática
-1 capturas de pantalla de texto en el terminal
Advertencias (si se repiten en tareas posteriores, serán multas completas):
No aplican en tu caso.
=> Obtuviste 7 - 3 = 4 del máximo de 7 puntos.
Pon los [X] de las referencias dentro de las frases.
Podría ser bueno leer un guía de estilo de citar en las ciencias computacionales.
Revisa los espacios cerca de la puntuación (especialmente paréntesis).
Usa un checador de ortografía / gramática. Hay muchos disponibles en línea.
Igual podrías sacar los factores de p para examinar si g sirve.
(Ahora tu explicación habla de factores pero el código no los saca.)