Tuesday, 16 September 2014



In this post you can find an implementation of Diffie-Hellman protocol as well as a brute-force attack against it, which try to recover a private key.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Effects of inadequate randomness in information security

If I were in charge of weakening cryptosystems in the real world, the first thing I would target is random number generators.
Bruce Schneier [1]

     When we talk about cryptosystems, one of the first things we need to think is: "random numbers". Because in these kind of systems, random numbers are necessary.
     Usually in this area, randomness is used to generate session keys, encryption keys (for example: One time pad requires random keys), to generate primes numbers, etc. We must ensure quality of each key, it needs to have the characteristics of a succession of random numbers, because the quality of system depends in a part of the quality of the key.
      If we have a simple generator of pseudorandom numbers ( simple, in this case, it means it will be able to break easily), it will be able to become in the "Achilles' heel" in our cryptosystems.